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Belinda Ramos designada Pregonera del Carnaval de Morón 2020


Concluye el Carnaval de Morón 2019. Un año de éxito que culmina con el acto conocido como la "siembra de la tagarnina". En dicho acto, celebrado en esta ocasión en la Peña "El Siguerín", se realizó la entrega de un obsequio a Antonio García García, pregonero de este Carnaval, dado que no se pudo realizar en su Pregón, ya que nos llevó a todos y a todas en pasacalles hasta la Puerta Sevilla.

Además, se dio a conocer la Pregonera del Carnaval de Morón 2020, que será Belinda Ramos Palacios, reconocida componente y autora de comparsas locales, tales como "Andrómeda" (2018) o "La Tormenta" (2015) entre muchas otras. ¡Felicidades!


Rollandecori Lun, 25/03/2024 - 22:08

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Jasonglype Mar, 26/03/2024 - 06:32

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Безопасный и проверенный приворот который действует мгновенно и сразу на следующий день или в указанную во время приворота дату любовный приворот начинает действовать на мужчину или парня заставляя его проявлять сильную любовь и крепкие любовные чувства со всеми вытекающими из них последствиями и действиями (ухаживание, обожание и обожествление). Этот самый простой и быстро действующий приворот можно сделать в домашних условиях без специальной подготовки и навыков белой или черной магии.
На свечу и фотографию.
Позвольте, дорогие читатели, мне еще немного позанудствовать и рассказать историю, что называется в назидание. Некая жена, у которой муж перманентно позволял себе походы «налево», воспользовалась все тем же распространенным рецептом – подмешивала менструальную кровь в питье. Помогло. Муж не только перестал гулять, а все время находился возле жены. В результате такой страстной любви она забеременела. Ежемесячная «подкормка» кровью естественно прекратилась. С мужем произошла метаморфоза. Какая там любовь! У него появилось такое сильное отвращение к супруге, что даже желанная для обоих беременность не была ему в радость. Более того, ему все время казалось, что от жены пахнет сырым мясом.
Быстрый приворот на красную свечу.

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Waynepaf Mié, 27/03/2024 - 10:05

Благодарю Романа Петровича с сайта за его помощь в решении моих проблем. Его приворот мужчины сработал мгновенно, и теперь я счастлива вновь. Рекомендую его услуги всем, кто столкнулся с подобными сложностями. Номер телефона для связи: 8 (984) 286-12-65.

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Keithblils Mié, 27/03/2024 - 15:53

Встретившись на перекрестке жизни с непонятными поворотами судьбы, я поняла, что без помощи Романа Петровича с я бы не справилась. Моя жизнь казалась полной темных туч, и я теряла последние нити надежды. Однако, когда я обратилась за помощью к Роману, моя жизнь начала меняться. Его умение в области магии и приворотов оказалось несравненным. С каждым днем я чувствовала, как моя судьба становится светлее и радостнее. Я благодарна ему за то, что он вернул мне мужчину моей мечты, и за то, что теперь я смогла взять свою жизнь под контроль. Роман Петрович - настоящий маг, способный сделать невозможное возможным. Номер телефона для связи: 8 (984) 286-12-65.

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CDailyadepe Jue, 28/03/2024 - 10:27

<a href=… Remains Skeptical of Crypto Investments amidst Bitcoin ETF Fever</a>. The European Union (EU) continues to maintain a wary stance towards cryptocurrency investments, even as the enthusiasm for Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) gains momentum. The CEO of VanEck Europe, Martijn Rozemuller, highlighted the EU's skepticism, stating that market participants within the region remain cautious about investing in cryptocurrencies. While the growing interest in Bitcoin ETFs has fueled excitement worldwide, the EU remains steadfast in its concerns and hesitations regarding the volatile nature and regulatory uncertainties associated with digital assets. This cautious attitude reinforces the EU's commitment to ensuring investor protection and market stability, as it navigates the evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies amidst the Bitcoin ETF fever.
The Lindy effect, initially proposed by Albert Goldman in 1964, suggests that the lifespan of non-perishable things tends to be proportional to their current age. This concept, known as The Lindy Effect, has intriguing implications for blockchain technology. As blockchain continues to mature, its credibility and reliability increase over time, making it more likely to persist in the future. The Lindy effect implies that the longer blockchain technology has been around successfully, the greater the odds of it gaining widespread adoption and becoming an integral part of various industries. Understanding this effect can help us gauge the durability and potential impact of blockchain, making it a valuable framework for assessing its future prospects. <a href=>T… Lindy Effect: Implications for Blockchain</a> are substantial, suggesting that as blockchain systems continue to thrive and prove their resilience, their relevance and indispensability are likely to grow in the years to come.
<a href=… Warren's Crypto Bill Ignites Criticism and Election Challenge</a> as she proposed a legislation that aims to regulate the cryptocurrency market. While some argue that her intentions are well-meaning, critics claim that the bill will stifle innovation and hinder the growth of a promising sector of the economy. The proposed regulations have sparked a heated debate among industry experts, with opponents expressing concerns that Warren's bill could potentially drive businesses out of the United States, causing a significant loss in potential economic opportunities. In addition to the intense criticism, this controversial move has also ignited an election challenge from those who believe that the bill infringes upon the principles of economic freedom and could negatively impact Warren's chances of reelection.
The <a href=… AI Feedback for Compliance and Market Dynamics</a> initiative aims to harness the potential of artificial intelligence in improving regulatory compliance and understanding market dynamics. As technology continues to evolve, the CFTC recognizes the need for robust and adaptable regulatory frameworks to keep pace with the rapidly changing financial landscape. By actively seeking feedback from industry participants, market participants, and technology experts, the CFTC aims to gain valuable insights on how AI can be effectively utilized to enhance compliance efforts, monitor market activities, and identify potential risks. This initiative reflects the CFTC's commitment to fostering innovation while ensuring the integrity and stability of the derivatives markets.
<a href=… Foundation: Powering Blockchain Adoption through Academia</a> is a theme that highlights the crucial role of educational institutions in advancing the widespread use of blockchain technology. The Sui Foundation aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application by establishing an academy that provides comprehensive training and resources for individuals and businesses. By fostering a deeper understanding of blockchain and its potential across various industries, the foundation seeks to accelerate the adoption of this transformative technology and empower individuals to become key contributors to the blockchain ecosystem. Through its dedicated efforts, the Sui Foundation is playing a vital role in shaping the future of blockchain and paving the way for its seamless integration into everyday life.
<a href=… Bid for 2025 Financial Services Committee Leadership</a> is generating buzz among industry insiders and blockchain enthusiasts. As cryptocurrencies continue to gain traction and reshape the financial landscape, this forward-thinking lawmaker believes a leader with comprehensive knowledge of digital currencies is crucial for the House Financial Services Committee. With a proven track record of championing crypto-friendly legislation and advocating for blockchain technology, this lawmaker intends to bring a fresh perspective and push for innovative regulatory frameworks that both protect investors and foster growth in the crypto space. Amidst growing public interest and the increasing role of cryptocurrencies in the global economy, the Crypto-Lawmaker's bid represents a bold step towards shaping the future of financial services in the digital age.
MicroStrategy, the business intelligence firm known for its bullish stance on Bitcoin, has once again expanded its cryptocurrency holdings. The company recently announced a $37 million investment in Bitcoin, bringing its total holdings to a staggering 190,000 BTC. This move reaffirms MicroStrategy's commitment to the leading cryptocurrency as a long-term investment strategy. With this latest purchase, the company continues to bolster its strong position in the digital asset market, solidifying its reputation as a major player in the world of Bitcoin investment. <a href=… Expands Bitcoin Holdings with $37M Investment</a> once again demonstrates their unwavering belief in the future potential of Bitcoin and its role in the evolving financial landscape.
The Greek stock exchange is considering implementing the Sui Blockchain as an on-chain fundraising tool. With the increasing popularity of blockchain technology worldwide, the Greek stock exchange aims to leverage its potential for enhanced efficiency and transparency in their fundraising activities. The Sui Blockchain, specifically designed for fundraising purposes, could revolutionize the Greek stock market by providing a secure and decentralized platform for investors and companies alike. This innovative tool would enable the Greek stock exchange to streamline the fundraising process, attract more investors, and ultimately support the growth and development of the Greek economy. <a href=… Blockchain: Greek Stock Exchange's On-Chain Fundraising Tool</a> promises to be a game-changer for Greece's financial market, opening up new possibilities for capital raising and fostering economic prosperity.
<a href=… Warning for Mexican Crypto Exchanges from Blackberry</a>: In a recent announcement, technology company Blackberry has cautionarily alerted Mexican crypto exchanges about the imminent dangers of cyber threats. With the rise in popularity of cryptocurrencies, these exchanges have become lucrative targets for hackers and malicious actors. Blackberry urges the exchanges to fortify their security measures, emphasizing the need for proactive monitoring, strong encryption, and robust firewalls to safeguard sensitive data and funds. The company's advanced software and expertise offer a viable solution to mitigate the ever-evolving cyber risks, ensuring the safety and trustworthiness of Mexico's crypto ecosystem.
<a href=… Boon and Threat of Visa and Mastercard: Implications for Crypto Exchanges</a> The rise of Visa and Mastercard has undoubtedly been a boon for wallet holders, providing convenience and accessibility for financial transactions worldwide. However, as these payment giants continue to dominate the traditional financial landscape, there is growing concern over their potential threat to crypto exchanges. With their massive customer base and established infrastructure, Visa and Mastercard hold a significant advantage over crypto exchanges in terms of user acquisition and transaction volume. This poses a potential challenge for the crypto industry as it strives to gain mainstream acceptance. While the integration of these payment networks could potentially expand crypto adoption, there is also a risk that crypto exchanges may be overshadowed or marginalized by the dominance of Visa and Mastercard, limiting their growth and development. As the crypto and traditional financial worlds continue to collide, the implications of Visa and Mastercard's influence on crypto exchanges remain a subject of intense debate and speculation.
<a href=… $3 Trillion Valuation: AI Investments Thrive</a> As technology continues to shape the global economy, Microsoft has surpassed a monumental milestone, reaching a staggering $3 trillion valuation. This significant achievement comes as no surprise, considering the company's unwavering commitment to innovation and their strategic focus on artificial intelligence (AI). Microsoft's relentless effort in pursuing AI advancements has paid off, with their investments in this transformative technology yielding remarkable results. Their AI-powered solutions have revolutionized industries, from healthcare and finance to transportation and beyond. By leveraging the potential of AI, Microsoft has cemented its position as a pioneer in the tech industry, while simultaneously highlighting the growing importance and potential of AI to shape the future.
<a href=… Optimizing Liquidity Across Blockchains with Decentralized Lending</a>. The latest innovation in the world of blockchain technology, Lava, has emerged as a decentralized lending market that aims to revolutionize liquidity optimization across various blockchains. By leveraging the power of decentralized finance (DeFi), Lava enables users to unlock liquidity from their digital assets by borrowing or lending in a secure and efficient manner. With Lava, individuals and institutions alike can seamlessly trade, borrow, and lend across multiple blockchains, thereby ensuring optimal utilization of assets while minimizing risks. This groundbreaking platform is set to empower users with unparalleled flexibility, efficiency, and security, paving the way for a new era of decentralized finance in the blockchain ecosystem.
AI chip demand ignites the stock market as Arm sees a remarkable surge of 30%. Riding the wave of the ever-expanding artificial intelligence market, Arm has positioned itself as a leader in providing cutting-edge processors for AI applications. As the demand for AI chips skyrockets, Arm has solidified its position as a key player in the industry, fueling investor confidence and driving its stock price to unprecedented heights. With the potential to revolutionize various sectors, from autonomous vehicles to healthcare, Arm emerges as a driving force behind the AI revolution, propelling its stock to an impressive 30% surge. <a href=>AI Chip Demand Ignites, Arm Stock Surges 30%</a>.

Ernestofup Jue, 28/03/2024 - 19:11

Бизнесмен Андрей Кнауб хорошо известен как предприниматель и трейдер в сфере нефтепереработки. Он более 25 лет был частью крупнейших отраслевых компаний, реализовал множество благотворительных и социальных проектов <a href="… андрей артурович</a>

HaroldSow Sáb, 30/03/2024 - 08:00

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StephenNak Sáb, 30/03/2024 - 19:58

Наш путеводитель по Санкт-Петербургу собрал лучшие отели и места для туристов <a href=>смотровые площадки Петербурга</a> Мы расскажем, в каких кафе можно бюджетно перекусить, где попробовать особенные блюда с местным колоритом или отужинать, как потомки аристократов.

StephenNak Dom, 31/03/2024 - 00:48

Наш путеводитель по Санкт-Петербургу собрал лучшие отели и места для туристов <a href=>экскурсии в Кронштадт</a> Мы расскажем, в каких кафе можно бюджетно перекусить, где попробовать особенные блюда с местным колоритом или отужинать, как потомки аристократов.

Francistoups Dom, 31/03/2024 - 08:45

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Roberttup Dom, 31/03/2024 - 10:45

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Leandrovor Lun, 01/04/2024 - 10:07

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VonaldLed Mié, 03/04/2024 - 09:13

Родители, которые любят и заботятся о своих детках, думают об организации досуга ребёнка для его развития и металлические спорткомплексы - один из лучших вариантов. И тут начинается самое интересное - поиски. В этих поисках мы испытываем небольшую растерянность, так как выбор огромен. Но потом мы понимаем, что нужно сконцентрироваться именно на том, что будет уместно именно для своего ребёнка и под свои обстоятельства. На сегодняшний день на рынке присутствует большое количество разнообразных спортивных уголков, но есть две основные категории – это металлические и деревянные. Тогда возникает другой вопрос – что выбрать? Чему отдать своё предпочтение? Позже возникают вопросы и по дизайну самого уголка, так как нам хочется, что бы он хорошо вписывался в уже существующий интерьер.Уличный спортивный комплекс Невада. Бесплатная доставка Уличный спортивный комплекс шведская стенка детский комплекс.

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Dannyvep Mié, 03/04/2024 - 17:01

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VonaldLed Jue, 04/04/2024 - 08:30

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Спортивные уличные тренажеры нашей компании можно увидеть на многих дворовых площадках не только Днепропетровска, но и других городов, таких как Киев, Харьков, Запорожье, Одесса, Херсон, Павлоград и др.. Безусловно это говорит о высоком доверии к нам со стороны наших покупателей. За более детальной информацией обращайтесь по телефонам, указанным в контактах или заполните форму обратной связи и наши специалисты обязательно свяжутся с вами как только получать ваш е сооб щение.Игровой комплекс "Бэбилэнд 11"

BillyChota Jue, 04/04/2024 - 12:54

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CharlesFobex Sáb, 06/04/2024 - 11:42

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Frankabils Sáb, 06/04/2024 - 11:54

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